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From Kitchen Chaos to Coworking Bliss: Embracing the Benefits of a Shared Workspace

Working from home has become the norm for many of us, especially in recent times. While the flexibility of remote work has its perks, the novelty of setting up shop at the kitchen table can wear off quickly especially if you have small children running around or you’ve run out of milk! The constant interruptions, lack of dedicated space, and the blurring of professional and personal boundaries can leave you feeling fed up and yearning for a change. In this blog post, we explore the frustrations of working from the kitchen table and delve into the benefits of embracing a coworking space to reclaim your productivity and sanity.

The Downside of the Kitchen Table Office

Distractions Galore:

The kitchen is often the hub of activity in any home. From family members going about their daily routines to the allure of snack cupboard, distractions are aplenty. Constant interruptions can hinder your focus and hinder your work output.

Boundary Blurring:

When your workspace is your dining space, it becomes challenging to draw a line between work and personal life. The laptop that was meant for work may become a source of stress, constantly reminding you of pending tasks even during meal times.

Ergonomic Nightmares:

The kitchen table is not designed for a comfortable, ergonomic work setup. Prolonged hours spent hunched over a laptop can lead to aches, pains, and long-term health issues.

Cabin Fever:

The lack of change in environment can lead to a sense of cabin fever. The monotony of your kitchen walls may stifle creativity and motivation, making you long for a breath of fresh air and new surroundings.

So with all the above distractions and barriers to a good days work, how does coworking somewhere like Rume2 overcome them and help you have a productive day?

The Rise of Coworking Spaces

Professional Atmosphere:

Coworking spaces provide a dedicated, professional environment conducive to work. The separation of home and work life becomes clear, allowing you to switch into work mode and maintain focus without the distractions of household chores or family activities.

Networking Opportunities:

One of the significant benefits of coworking spaces is the potential for networking. Surrounded by like-minded individuals from various industries, you have the chance to collaborate, share ideas, and build a valuable professional network.

Ergonomic Comfort:

Coworking spaces are designed with comfort and productivity in mind. Ergonomic furniture, proper lighting, and well-designed workspaces ensure that you can work for extended periods without sacrificing your physical well-being. There is also plenty of space to move around, work while standing up or even have a lie down.

Mental Well-being:

A change in scenery can do wonders for your mental health. Coworking spaces offer a refreshing break from the confines of home, providing a stimulating environment that fosters creativity and reduces the feeling of isolation.

“I like to get out of the house and this gives me a perfect professional environment to work from. There is a nice vibe on the office. I've made a number of connections from a networking /work capacity and friends within the space. I love meandering around the city centre too. I have my favourite spots that I enjoy grabbing a coffee or taking lunch outside in a quiet suntrap.” - Sam, Rume2 member since March 2021

Flexibility and Community:

Coworking spaces often offer flexible membership plans, allowing you to choose the arrangement that best suits your needs. Additionally, the sense of community in these spaces can combat the loneliness that sometimes accompanies remote work.

While working from the kitchen table may have been a temporary solution, the drawbacks can accumulate, leading to frustration and decreased productivity. Embracing a coworking space provides an effective solution, offering a professional atmosphere, networking opportunities, ergonomic comfort, and a boost to your mental well-being. Make the switch from kitchen chaos to coworking bliss and experience the positive impact on both your work and life.

If you haven’t tried out Rume2 then we’ve got a fantastic offer for you in February to get you away from the kitchen table. We are offering a whole week’s FREE coworking throughout February. If you’d like to give coworking a go then get in contact now, we promise you won’t want to return to the chaos of home.

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Rosie Freshwater